Family Stories: Parents talk about noticing that something's wrong
Mom's Early Warning Signs for Lucas

A mother of two boys with ASD talks about how no single skill like good eye contact or a seemingly engaged smile can rule out the presence of autism. She describes how her two affected sons were in some ways "totally different," but in others ways marked by similar symptoms, such as their inability to play with toys and a disinterest in other, unfamiliar children. She describes the notable progress made by her son since he began early intervention services.
Videos in this family story
Dad had a Hard Time Accepting That His Son Had Autism
Warning Signs that Something was Wrong with Ryan
Mom's Early Warning Signs for Lucas
Search for a Diagnosis and the Importance of Early Intervention
Mother of Twins Observes Differences in Her Boys
A Mother Observes Early Warning Signs
Sometimes the Early Warning Signs Are Hard to See
Seeing and Interpreting Red Flags
Social and Language Skills Observed by Parents